Home > No Turkey?!

No Turkey?!

November 14th, 2006 at 09:20 pm

Dammit, i had a long post typed out and when i go to add a category i lose the whole post!!

Anyway in a nutshell...every Thanksgiving the company i work for will give out Butterball Turkeys to the employees.

This year we get an email of two sentences saying how due to cost constraints they can't give out turkeys this year....

Now maybe i'm just a grunt at the bottom of the corporate ladder, but if and when i get to a position of authority, i would fight to keep something like Thanksgiving turkeys in the budget. But hey maybe i've just been a grunt for too long that i recognize that cost constraints shouldn't be taken out on the employees. A happy employeee is a damn good employee.

It's a good thing last year my family went ahead and bought a turkey, so the one from work i still have in my freezer.

2 Responses to “No Turkey?!”

  1. pjmama Says:

    These companies these days just dont value keeping thier employees happy like they used to! grr. I never got a turkey, and I used to SELL turkeys every thanksgiving! Go figure... working at a poultry market, no less.

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    You have to set up your categories before you do a post, or you can post and then set up categories and go back and edit it to add the category. If you already have written it out and come up with a new category by the time you are done writing, just highlight the post, hit edit, copy, do your category and then paste it back into the frame.

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